Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Online Gradebook

This is an awesome online gradebook. You can make seating charts, do attendance, and keep track of grades. There is also a place to communicate with parents.

Internet Safety

In our age, technology is something that we use on a daily basis. Because it is so common, we need to make sure we are being safe at all times. In our school district, our network only allows us to use websites for student education, research, and career development. Internet access in school is a privilege not a right.
There is also the privilege of bringing your own device (Personal Technology Devices)  to use in school. This is to make videos, record sounds, take pictures, research information, and share information.
Our network is not a public network. Students are not permitted to research anything non-educational. These things will be monitored. If a student is bringing their own device to school, we ask for the parents to put a prevention on anything that is not appropriate.
Our school will provide information to our students about cyberbullying and what is appropriate vs. inappropriate.
Students must accept the terms of this agreement or they will not be allowed access to our network. If you do not allow your child to access the internet, it is necessary that you send a written letter in with your child.
Our school district is not responsible for any personal devices that are lost, stolen, or broken on school property.
If you see any suspicious or inappropriate behavior, please report it to immediately.

(CMS Internet Acceptable Use Policy)

Interenet Safety handout from Liberal Memorial Library


Please complete this webquest! Answer the 3 questions at the end so I can learn about your favorite things in school!

Back to School

(Ms. Edmond,

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Classroom Resources


Educational Webpages

PBS Kids- full of educational games for all subjects
National Geographic Kids- information, videos, photos, and games on scientific subjects
Fun Brain-Math and Reading games
National Gallery of Art-Interactive activties from the National Gallery of Art
Story Line Online- Listen to stories that we have read in class or you are interested in
Starfall- Play Language Arts games! It's a fun way to learn how to read
Cookie-Learning videos and games for english, math, and science
Highlights-The famous magazine right on this website! Includes stories, games, and of course the hidden picture games!
Kids Know It- Science and Nature games
ABCya- Educational games for all grades and subjects

Online Assessment

Students! Take this survey!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

All About Me!

My name is Ms. Michael and I will be your teacher this year! I cannot wait to meet all of you!
                       I really enjoy photography! This is a picture I took of my college campus!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What did you do over summer?


Tell me about your summer vacation. When you are finished get clean piece of paper to draw a picture of it!

Let's make some new friends!

We are going to walk around the classroom and find classmates that fit in the categories that are on the paper!

First Day Jitters

We are all nervous about today! So let's start by reading this book!


The First Day of School Poem

Will they let me go when I need to go to the bathroom?
And what if I get lost on my way back to class?
And what if the other kids are a hundred, a thousand, times smarter than I am?
And what if we have a spelling test, or a reading test, or an...anything test, and I'm the only person who doesn't pass?
And what if my teacher decides she doesn't like me?
And what if, all of a sudden a tooth gets loose?
And what if I can't find lunch, or I sit on my lunch, or I (oops!) drop my lunch someplace like the toilet?
Will they let me starve or will somebody lend me a sandwich?
A cookie? A cracker? An apple? Some juice?
And what if they say, "Do this," and I don't understand them?
And what if there's teams and nobody picks me to play?
And what if I took off my sneakers, and also my socks, and my jeans, and my sweatshirt and T-shirt,
And started the first day of school on the second day?

By Judith Viorst